In line with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), brought in from May 2018, we let you know where you stand on data protection and staying in touch.
What data do we hold?
You may have provided information via an online or paper form. We only hold whichever of these details you have provided - name, phone number, email address, which types of Feldenkrais sessions you are interested in (one-to-one, weekly class or workshop you are interested in, and any movement challenges. We will never pass on this information to any third party organisations. Data is held electronically on my computer which is only accessed by myself and is password protected.
If you sign up for the newsletter, your name and email address is also held by MailChimp which administers the newsletters.
On what grounds do we hold your data? How do we use the data?
Here, we tell you what the lawful basis for processing your data is.
We hold your contact details on the grounds that it is in your and our ‘legitimate interest’. We would use these in the event of replying to a query, giving you updated class information or letting you know if a class (or one to one session) was cancelled at short notice.
We hold your details for receiving the newsletter on the grounds that you have given ‘consent’ for this purpose only. If we have made a mistake about this or you have changed your mind, you can unsubscribe by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of each newsletter email, or by contacting us at We know you are busy, so we will usually send you newsletters a maximum of once a month - with information about new classes, tips, articles, movement help and discounts.
Thank you.