Group Classes
All Feldenkrais sessions are online via Zoom at present
Hour long classes every week on Tuesday evening 5.30pm, including audio recordings available afterwards for your use, with some social time afterwards for discussion.
The Feldenkrais Method is uniquely appropriate for online classes as it involves verbal guided instructions, there is no need to crane round to look at what the teacher is doing.
MoveWithEaseNow classes use Zoom, a user-friendly meeting service that allows people from around the world to meet on-screen as if we were all in the same room together. You may take part for free from your computer, tablet, or phone.
It is essential that you have a device that has a camera, so that I may see how you are understanding the verbal instructions and ensure that you are getting the most out of the lesson and moving in a safe way.
It is particularly important in these online classes that you look after yourself carefully, go gently and slowly and within the easy limits of your own range of movement and don’t do anything that hurts or strains you.
If this is your first ever class with me, please phone me or email me first. I can help you better if I know something about you, and any issues that you are hoping to improve.
For each session you will need;
A suitably quiet, warm and private space in which you can lie down, with a mat and blanket to lie on. Check that it is warm at floor level. Close doors to keep out draughts. Use a folded towel under your head - a soft pillow will inhibit movement.
Wear layers of warm comfortable clothes suitable for rolling on the floor. Feldenkrais classes usually comprise small, slow movement.
A laptop positioned so that the camera makes you visible, (if you set up so that you can see your own mat on the screen, that will do it)
If you have to use a tablet, try to position it as if it were a laptop
A sufficiently stable internet connection
To arrange to be undisturbed by anyone/anything
What happens in Feldenkrais classes?
Group classes are an excellent way of finding out how to move easily, elegantly and enjoyable. You will explore a series of linked movements using verbal instructions. You may “drop into” a class, as you will go at your own pace and do movements in a way that is easy and comfortable for you.
Please contact Mamie by email or by phone if you have any questions about classes or if you have a particular medical condition or are experiencing pain in specific areas. Generally, classes are suitable if you are able to get down to the floor and back up again.
Feldenkrais group sessions are described as “Awareness Through Movement” classes.